[140] Hong C, Han JH,  Hwang GH, Bae S*, Seo PJ*. (2024) Genome-wide In-Locus Epitope Tagging of Arabidopsis Proteins using Prime Editors. ‌BMB Repin press.
[139] Lee HG, Jang SY, Jie EY, Choi SH, Park OS, Bae SH, Kim HS, Kim SW*, Hwang GS*, Seo PJ*. (2023) Adenosine monophosphate enhances callus regeneration competence for de novo plant organogenesis. ‌Mol. Plant in press
[138] Lee K#, Koo DH#, Park OS, Seo PJ*. (2023) The HOS1-PIF4/5 module controls callus formation in Arabidopsis leaf explants. ‌Plant Signal. Behav. 2261744.
[137] Lee H, Seo PJ*. (2023) Accessible gene borders establish a core structural unit for chromatin architecture in Arabidopsis. ‌Nucleic Acid Res51:10261-10277.
[136] Lee H#, Park YJ#, Seo PJ*. (2023) A new epigenetic crosstalk: Chemical modification information flow. ‌Adv. Genet. 2200033.
[135]  Guo F, Wang H, Lian G, Cai G, Liu W, Zhang H, Li D, Zhou C, Han N, Zhu M, Su Y, Seo PJ, Xu L#, Bian H# (2023) Initiation of scutellum-derived callus is regulated by an embryo-like developmental pathway in rice. Commun. Biol. 6: 457.
[134] Seo PJ*,  Lee HG, Choi HY, Lee S, Park CM* (2023) Complexity of SMAX1 signaling during seedling establishment. Trends Plant Sci. 28: 902-912.
[133] Jung JH#, Seo PJ#, Oh E#, Kim J* (2023) Temperature perception by plants. Trends Plant Sci. 28: 924-940.
[132] Park YJSeo PJ* (2023) Floral Maturation: How the sunflower gets its rings. eLife 12: e86284.
[131] Seo D, Park J, Park J, Hwang G, Seo PJ, Oh E* (2023) ZTL regulates thermomorphogenesis through TOC1 and PRR5. Plant Cell Environ. 46: 1442-1452.
[130] Lee K, Kim JH, Park OS, Jung YJ*, Seo PJ*. (2022) Ectopic expression of WOX5 promotes cytokinin signaling and de novo shoot regeneration. Plant Cell Rep. 41: 2415-2422.
[129] Lee HG, Jeong YY, Lee H, Seo PJ*. (2022) Arabidopsis HISTONE DEACETYLASE 9 stimulates hypocotyl cell elongation by repressing GIGANTEA expression under short day photoperiod. Front. Plant Sci. 13: 950378.
[128] Bae SH, Noh Y-S, Seo PJ*. (2022) REGENOMICS : A web-based application for plant REGENeration-associated transcriptOMICS analyses. Comput. Struct. Biotechnol. J. 20: 3234-3247.
[127] Lee HG, Kim J, Seo PJ*. (2022) N6-methyladenosine-modified RNA acts as a molecular glue that drives liquid-liquid phase separation in plants. Plant Signal. Behav. 17: e2079308.
[126] Lee K, Seo PJ*. (2022) Wound-induced systemic responses and their coordination by electrical signals. Front. Plant Sci. 13: 880680.
[125] Lee K, Won JH, Seo PJ*. (2022) Overexpression of the WOX5 gene inhibits shoot development. Plant Signal. Behav. 17: e2050095.
[124] Nam J-W#, Lee HG#, Do H, Kim HU, Seo PJ*. (2022) Transcriptional regulation of triacylglycerol accumulation in plants under environmental stress conditions. J. Exp. Bot. 73: 2905-2917.
[123] Shim S#, Lee HG#, Park OS, Shin H, Lee K, Lee H, Huh JH, Seo PJ*. (2022) Dynamic changes in DNA methylation occur in TE regions and affect cell proliferation during leaf-to-callus transition in Arabidopsis. Epigenetics 17: 41-58.
[122] Lee H, Seo PJ*. (2021) HiCORE: Hi-C analysis for identification of CORE chromatin looping regions with higher resolution. Mol. Cells 44: 883-892.
[121] Seo PJ*. (2021) Regenerating from the middle. ‌Nat. Plants 7: 1441-1442.
[120] Lee K‌‌‌‌Park OS, Go JY, Yu J, Han JH, ‌‌‌‌Kim J, Bae S, Jung YJ, Seo PJ*. (2021) Arabidopsis ATXR2 represses de novo shoot organogenesis in the transition from callus to shoot formation. Cell Rep. ‌‌‌‌‌‌‌37: 109980.
[119] Shim S, Lee HG, Seo PJ*. (2021) MET1-dependent DNA methylation represses light signaling and influences plant regeneration process in Arabidopsis. Mol. Cells 44: 746-757.
[118] Shim SPark CM, Seo PJ*. (2021) iRegNet: an integrative Regulatory Network analysis tool for Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiol. ‌‌‌‌187: 1292-1309.
[117] Lee H#, Hong C#, Hwang J#, Seo PJ*. (2021) Go green with plant organelle genome editing. Mol. Plant ‌‌14: 1415-1417. 
[116] Kim S, Park JS, Lee J, Lee KK, Park OS, Choi HS, Seo PJ, Cho HT, Frost JM, Fischer RL*, Choi Y*. (2021) The DME demethylase regulates sporophyte gene expression, cell proliferation, differentiation, and meristem resurrection. PNAS 118: e2026806118.
[115] Lee HG, Seo PJ*. (2021) Transcriptional activation of SUGAR TRANSPORT PROTEIN 13 mediates biotic and abiotic stress signaling. Plant Signal. Behav. 16:1920759.
[114] Lee HG, Seo PJ*. (2021) The Arabidopsis JMJ29 protein controls circadian oscillation through diurnal histone demethylation at the CCA1 and PRR9 loci. Genes 12: 529.
[113] Kim J#, Lee H#, Lee HG, Seo PJ*. (2021) Get closer and make hotspots: liquid-liquid phase separation in plants. EMBO Rep. 22: e51656.
[112] Lee HG#, Kim DH#, Choi YR, Yu J, Hong SA, Seo PJ*, Bae S*. (2021) Enhancing plant immunity by expression of pathogen-targeted CRISPR-Cas9 in plants. Gene and Genome Editing 1: 100001.
[111] Lee HJ, Seo PJ* . (2021) Ca2+talyzing initial responses to environmental stresses. Trends Plant Sci. 26: 849-870.
[110] Kim MJ, Jeon BW, Oh E, Seo PJ, Kim J*. (2021) Peptide signaling during plant reproduction. Trends Plant Sci. ‌‌‌‌26: 822-835.
[109] Jeon BW, Kim MJ, Pandey SK, Oh E, Seo PJ, Kim J*. (2021) Recent advances in peptide signaling during Arabidopsis root development. J. Exp. Bot. 72: 2889-2902.
[108] Jeong YY, Lee HY, Kim SW, Noh YS, Seo PJ*. (2021) Optimization of protoplast regeneration in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Methods 17: 21.
[107] Shim S, Kim HK, Bae SH, Lee H, Lee HJ, Jung YJ*, Seo PJ*. (2020) Transcriptome comparison between pluripotent and nonpluripotent calli derived from mature rice seeds. Sci. Rep. 10: 21257.
[106] Won JH, Seo PJ*. (2020) Heat makes cellular hotspots in plants. Mol. Plant 13: 1536-1538.
[105] Lee HG#, Won JH#, Choi YR, Lee K, Seo PJ*. (2020) Brassinosteroids regulate circadian oscillation via the BES1/TPL-CCA1/LHY module in Arabidopsis thaliana. iScience 23: 101528.
[104] Shim S*, Seo PJ*. (2020) EAT-UpTF: Enrichment Analysis Tool for Upstream Transcription Factors of a group of plant genes. Front. Genet. 11: 566569.
[103] Lee K, Park OS, Seo PJ*. (2020) The ASHR3 SET-domain protein is a pivotal upstream coordinator for wound-induced callus formation in Arabidopsis. J. Plant Biol. 63: 361-368.
[102] Kim J#, Shim S#, Lee H, Seo PJ*. (2020) m6A mRNA modification as a new layer of gene regulation in plants. J. Plant Biol. 63: 97-106.
[101] Shim S, Lee HG, Lee H, Seo PJ*. (2020) H3K36me2 is highly correlated with m6A modifications in plant. J. integr. Plant Biol. 62: 1455-1460.
[100] Tong M#, Lee K#, Ezer D, Cortijo S, Jung JH, Charoensawan V, Box MS, Jaeger K, Takahashi N, Mas P*, Wigge PA*, Seo PJ*. (2020) The Evening Complex establishes repressive chromatin domains via H2A.Z deposition in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 182: 612-625.
[99] Shin JW, Bae SH, Seo PJ*. (2020) De novo shoot organogenesis during plant regeneration. J. Exp. Bot. 71: 63-72.
[98] Lee HG, Park ME, Park BY, Kim HU*, Seo PJ*. (2019) The Arabidopsis MYB96 transcription factor mediates ABA-dependent triacylglycerol accumulation in vegetative tissues under drought stress conditions. Plants 8: 296.
[97] Kumar M, Le DT, Hwang S, Seo PJ, KIM HU*. (2019) Role of the INDETERMINATE DOMAIN genes in plants. Int. J. Mol. Sci.  20: E2286.
[96] Park OS, Bae SH, Kim SG, Seo PJ*. (2019) JA-pretreated hypocotyl explants potentiate de novo shoot regeneration in Arabidopsis. Plant Signal. Behav. 14: 1618180.
[95] Lee HG, Seo PJ*. (2019) MYB96 recruits the HDA15 protein to suppress negative regulators of ABA signaling in Arabidopsis. Nat. Commun. 10: 1713.
[94] Lee K, Mas P, Seo PJ*. (2019) The EC-HDA9 complex rhythmically regulates histone acetylation at the TOC1 promoter in Arabidopsis. Commun. Biol. 2: 143.
[93] Lee HG, Hong C, Seo PJ*. (2019) The Arabidopsis Sin3-HDAC complex facilitates temporal histone deacetylation at the CCA1 and PRR9 loci for robust circadian oscillation. Front. Plant Sci. 10: 171.
[92] Lee K, Park OS, Choi CY, Seo PJ*. (2019) Arabidopsis TRITHORAX 4 facilitates shoot identity establishment during the plant regeneration process. Plant Cell Physiol. 60: 826-834.
[91] Lee HG, Seo PJ*. (2019) Interaction of DGAT1 and PDAT1 to enhance TAG assembly in Arabidopsis. Plant Signal. Behav. 14: e1554467.
[90] Shin JW, Seo PJ*. (2018) Varying auxin levels induce distinct pluripotent state in callus cells. Front. Plant Sci. 9: 1653.
[89] Lee K, Park OS, Seo PJ*. (2018) JMJ30-mediated H3K9me3 demethylation drives tissue identity changes to promote callus formation in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 95:961-975.
[88] Lee HG, Seo PJ*. (2018) Dependence and independence of the root clock on the shoot clock in Arabidopsis. Genes Genomics 40: 1063-1068. - Recommended by Faculty of 1000
[87] Lee K, Seo PJ*. (2018) The HAF2 protein shapes histone acetylation levels of PRR5 and LUX loci in Arabidopsis. Planta 248: 513-518.
[86] Lee HG, Kim H, Suh MC*, Kim HU*, Seo PJ*. (2018) The MYB96 transcription factor regulates triacylglycerol accumulation by activating DGAT1 and PDAT1 expression in Arabidopsis seeds. Plant Cell Physiol. 59: 1432-1442.
[85] Fung-Uceda J, Lee K, Seo PJ, Polyn S, De Veylder L, Mas P*. (2018) The circadian clock sets the time of DNA replication licensing to regulate growth in Arabidopsis. Dev. Cell 45: 101-113.
[84] Lee K, Park OS, Seo PJ*. (2018) ATXR2 as a core regulator of de novo root organogenesis. Plant Signal. Behav. 13:e1449543.
[83] Oh E#, Seo PJ#, Kim J*. (2018) Signaling peptides and receptors coordinating plant root development. Trend Plant Sci. 23: 337-351. - Selected as Featured article
[82] Lee K, Seo PJ*. (2018) Dynamic epigenetic changes during plant regeneration. Trend Plant Sci. 23: 235-247.
[81] Jeon E, Kang NY, Cho C, Seo PJ, Suh MC, Kim J*. (2017) LBD14/ASL17 positively regulates lateral root formation and is involved in ABA response for root architecture in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Physiol. 58: 2190-2201.
[80] Lee K,Park OS, Seo PJ*. (2017) Arabidopsis ATXR2 deposits H3K36me3 at the promoters of LBD genes to facilitate cellular dedifferentiation. Science Signaling 10: eaan0316.
[79] Lee K, Seo PJ*. (2017) High temperature promotion of callus formation requires the BIN2-ARF-LBD axis in Arabidopsis. Planta 246: 797-802.
[78] Lee K, Seo PJ*. (2017) Coordination of matrix attachment and ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling regulate auxin biosynthesis and Arabidopsis hypocotyl elongation. PLoS ONE 12: e0181804.
[77] Lee K, Seo PJ*. (2017) Arabidopsis TOR signaling is essential for sugar-regulated callus formation. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 59: 742-746.
[76] Lee HG, Kim J, Suh MC*, Seo PJ*. (2017) The MIEL1 E3 ubiquitin ligase negatively regulates cuticular wax biosynthesis in Arabidopsis stems. Plant Cell Physiol. 58: 1249-1259.
[75] Jung YJ, Bae S, Lee GJ, Seo PJ, Cho YG, Kang KK*. (2017) A novel method for high-frequency genome editing in rice, using the CRISPR/Cas9 system. J. Plant Biotechnol. 44: 89-96.
[74] Jeong YY, Seo PJ*. (2017) Bidirectional regulation between circadian clock and ABA signaling. Commu. Integr. Biol. 6: 17754.
[73] Gil KE#, Park MJ#, Lee HJ, Park YJ, Han SH, Kwon YJ, Seo PJ, Jung JH, Park CM*. (2017) Alternative splicing provides a proactive mechanism for the diurnal CONSTANS dynamics in Arabidopsis photoperiodic flowering. Plant J. 89:128-140.
[72] Subburaj S, Tu L, Jin YT, Bae S, Seo PJ, Jung YJ, Lee GJ*. (2016) Targeted genome editing, an alternative tool for trait improvement in horticultural crops. Hort. Environ. Biotechnol. 57: 531-543.
[71] Lee HG, Seo PJ*. (2016) The Arabidopsis MIEL1 E3 ligase negatively regulates ABA signaling by promoting protein turnover of MYB96. Nat. Commun. 7: 12525.
[70] Lee HG, Choi YR, Seo PJ*. (2016) Increased STM expression is associated with drought tolerance in Arabidopsis. J. Plant Physiol. 201: 79-84.
[69] Lee K, Park OS, Seo PJ*. (2016) RNA-Seq analysis of the Arabidopsis transcriptome in pluripotent calli. Mol. Cells 39: 484-494.
[68] Lee HG, Mas P, Seo PJ*. (2016) MYB96 shapes the circadian gating of ABA signaling in Arabidopsis. Sci. Rep. 6: 17754.
[67] Yu Y#, Liu Z#, Wang L#, Kim SG, Seo PJ, Qiao M, Wang N, Li S, Cao X, Park CM, Xiang F*. (2016) WRKY71 accelerates flowering via the direct activation of FLOWERING LOCUS T and LEAFY in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J. 85: 96-106.
[66] Lee K, Park OS, Jung SJ, Seo PJ*. (2016) Histone deacetylation-mediated cellular dedifferentiation in Arabidopsis. J. Plant Physiol. 191: 95-100.
[65] Lee HJ, Park YJ, Seo PJ, Kim JH, Sim HJ, Kim SG, Park CM*. (2015) Systemic immunity requires SnRK2.8-mediated nuclear import of NPR1 in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 27: 3425-3428.
[64] Jang K, Lee HG, Jung SJ, Paek NC, Seo PJ*. (2015) The E3 ubiquitin ligase COP1 regulates thermosensory flowering by triggering GI degradation in Arabidopsis. Sci. Rep. 5: 12071. - Recommended by Faculty of 1000
[63] Lee K, Seo PJ*. (2015) Coordination of seed dormancy and germination processes by MYB96. Plant Signal. Behav. 10: e1056423.
[62] Jeong EY, Seo PJ, Woo JC, Park CM*. (2015) AKIN10 delays flowering by inactivating IDD8 transcription factor through protein phosphorylation in Arabidopsis. BMC Plant Biol. 15: 110.
[61] Lee HG, Seo PJ*. (2015) The MYB96-HHP module integrates cold and ABA signaling to activate the CBF-COR pathway in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 82: 962-977.
[60] Lee HG, Park BY, Kim HU*, Seo PJ*. (2015) MYB96 stimulates C18 fatty acid elongation in Arabidopsis seeds. Plant Biotechnol. Rep. 9: 161-166.
[59] Lee K#, Lee HG#, Yoon S, Kim HU*, Seo PJ* (2015) The Arabidopsis MYB96 transcription factor is a positive regulator of ABI4 in the control of seed germination. Plant Physiol. 168:677-689.
[58] Lee HG, Lee K, Seo PJ*. (2015) The Arabidopsis MYB96 transcription factor plays a role in seed dormancy. Plant Mol. Biol. 87: 371-381.
[57] Seo PJ*, Mas P*. (2015) STRESSing the role of the plant circadian clock. Trend Plant Sci. 20: 230-237.
[56] Lee K, Seo PJ*. (2015) The E3 ubiquitin ligase HOS1 is involved in ethylene regulation of leaf expansion inArabidopsis. Plant Signal. Behav. 10: e1003755.
[55] Lee K, Seo PJ*. (2015) The Arabidopsis E3 ubiquitin ligase HOS1 contributes to auxin biosynthesis in the control of hypocotyl elongation. Plant Growth Regul. 75: 157-165.
[54] Lee HG, Lee K, Jang K, Seo PJ*. (2015) Circadian expression profiles of chromatin remodeling factor genes in Arabidopsis. J. Plant Res. 128: 187-199. - Recommended by Faculty of 1000
[53] Jung SJ, Lee HG, Seo PJ*. (2014) Membrane-triggered plant immunity. Plant Signal. Behav. 9: doi:e29729.
[52] Lee K, Seo PJ*. (2014) Airborne signals from salt-stressed Arabidopsis plants trigger salinity tolerance in neighboring plants. Plant Signal. Behav. 9: doi:e28392.
[51] Seo PJ*, Mas P*. (2014) Multiple layers of posttranslational regulation refine circadian clock activity in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 26: 79-87.
[50] Seo PJ*. (2014) Recent advances in plant membrane-bound transcription factor research: emphasis on intracellular movement. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 56: 334-342.
[49] Ryu JY, Lee HJ, Seo PJ, Jung JH, Ahn JH, Park CM*. (2014) The Arabidopsis floral repressor BFT delays flowering by competing with FT for FD binding under high salinity. Mol. Plant 7: 377-387.
[48] Seo PJ#, Wielsch N#, Kessler D, Svatos A, Park CM, Baldwin IT, Kim SG*. (2013) Natural variation in floral nectar proteins of two Nicotiana attenuata accessions. BMC Plant Biol. 13:101.
[47] Seo PJ, Park MJ, Park CM*. (2013) Alternative splicing of transcription factors in plant responses to low temperature stress: mechanisms and functions. Planta 237: 1415-1424.
[46] Seo PJ, Jung JH, Park MJ, Lee K, Park CM*. (2013) Controlled turnover of CONSTANS protein by the HOS1 E3 ligase regulates floral transition at low temperatures. Plant Signal. Behav. 8: doi:pii: e23780.
[45] Hong SY#, Seo PJ#, Ryu JY, Cho SH, Woo JC, Park CM*. (2013) A competitive peptide inhibitor KIDARI negatively regulates HFR1 by forming nonfunctional heterodimers in Arabidopsis photomorphogenesis. Mol. Cells 35: 25-31.
[44] Jung JH, Seo PJ, Park CM*. (2012) The E3 ubiquitin ligase HOS1 regulates Arabidopsis flowering by mediating CONSTANS degradation under cold stress. J. Biol. Chem. 287: 43277-43287.
[43] Kim MJ#, Park MJ#, Seo PJ#, Song JS, Kim HJ, Park CM*. (2012) Controlled nuclear import of the transcription factor NTL6 reveals a cytoplasmic role of SnRK2.8 in the drought-stress response. Biochem. J. 448: 353-363.
[42] Yon F#, Seo PJ#, Ryu JY, Park CM, Baldwin IT, Kim SG*. (2012) Identification and characterization of the circadian clock genes in a native tobacco, Nicotiana attenuata. BMC Plant Biol. 12: 172.
[41] Park MJ, Seo PJ, Park CM*. (2012) CCA1 alternative splicing as a way of linking the circadian clock to temperature response in Arabidopsis. Plant Signal. Behav. 7: 1194 - 1196.
[40] Seo PJ#, Hong SY#, Ryu JY#, Jeong EY, Kim SG, Baldwin IT, Park CM*. (2012) Targeted inactivation of transcription factors by overexpression of their truncated forms in plants. Plant J. 72: 162-172.
[39] Seo PJ, Park MJ, Lim MH, Kim SG, Lee M, Baldwin IT, Park CM*. (2012) A self-regulatory circuit of CIRCADIAN CLOCK-ASSOCIATED 1 underlies the circadian clock regulation of temperature responses in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 24: 2427-2442. - Introduced by science editor Nancy R. Hofmann. Plant Cell 24: 2238. 
[38] Hong SY, Seo PJ, Cho SH, Park CM*. (2012) Preparation of leaf mesophyll protoplasts for transient gene expression in Brachypodium distachyon. J. Plant Biol. 55: 390-397.
[37] Jung JH, Seo PJ, Ahn JH, Park CM*. (2012) The Arabidopsis RNA-binding protein FCA regulates microRNA172 processing in thermosensory flowering. J. Biol. Chem. 287: 16007-16016.
[36] Yun J, Kim YS, Jung JH, Seo PJ, Park CM*. (2012) The AT-hook motif-containing protein AHL22 regulates flowering initiation by modifying FLOWERING LOCUS T chromatin in Arabidopsis. J. Biol. Chem. 287: 15307-15316.
[35] Lee S, Seo PJ, Lee HJ, Park CM*. (2012) A NAC transcription factor NTL4 promotes reactive oxygen species production during drought-induced leaf senescence in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 70: 831-844.
[34] Seo PJ#, Park J#, Park MJ#, Kim YS, Kim SG, Jung JH, Park CM*. (2012) A Golgi-localized MATE transporter mediates iron homeostasis under osmotic stress in Arabidopsis. Biochem. J. 442: 551-561.
[33] Lee M#, Jung JH#, Han DY, Seo PJ, Park WJ, Park CM*. (2012) Activation of a flavin monooxygenase gene YUCCA7 enhances drought resistance in Arabidopsis. Planta 235: 923-938.
[32] Jung JH, Ju Y, Seo PJ, Lee JH, Park CM*. (2012) The SOC1-SPL module integrates photoperiod and gibberellic acid signals to control flowering time in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 69: 577-588.
[31] Seo PJ#, Hong SY#, Kim SG, Park CM*. (2011) Competitive inhibition of transcription factors by small interfering peptides. Trends Plant Sci. 16: 541-549.
[30] Ryu JY, Park CM, Seo PJ*. (2011) The floral repressor BROTHER OF FT AND TFL1 (BFT) modulates flowering initiation under high salinity in Arabidopsis. Mol. Cells. 32: 295-303.
[29] Seo PJ, Park CM*. (2011) Signaling linkage between environmental stress resistance and leaf senescence in Arabidopsis. Plant Signal. Behav. 6: 1564-1566.
[28] Yang SD#, Seo PJ#, Yoon HK, Park CM*. (2011) The Arabidopsis NAC transcription factor VNI2 integrates abscisic acid signals into leaf senescence via the COR/RD genes. Plant Cell 23: 2155-2168.
[27] Seo PJ, Park CM*. (2011) Cuticular wax biosynthesis as a way of inducing drought resistance. Plant Signal. Behav. 6: 1043-1045.
[26] Seo PJ, Kim MJ, Ryu JY, Jeong EY, Park CM*. (2011) Two splice variants of the IDD14 transcription factor competitively form nonfunctional heterodimers which may regulate starch metabolism. Nat. Commun. 2: 303. - Recommended by Faculty of 1000
[25] Hamamouch N, Li C, Seo PJ, Park CM, Davis EL*. (2011) Expression of Arabidopsis pathogenesis-related genes during nematode infection. Mol. Plant Pathol. 12: 355-364.
[24] Seo PJ#, Lee SB#, Suh MC#, Park MJ, Go YS, Park CM*. (2011) The MYB96 transcription factor regulates cuticular wax biosynthesis under drought conditions in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 23: 1138-1152.
[23] Jung JH#, Seo PJ#, Kang SK, Park CM*. (2011) miR172 signals are incorporated into the miR156 signaling pathway at the SPL3/4/5 genes in Arabidopsis developmental transitions. Plant Mol. Biol. 76: 35-45.
[22] Baek K#, Seo PJ#, Park CM*. (2011) Activation of a mitochondrial ATPase gene induces abnormal seed development in Arabidopsis. Mol. Cells 31: 361-369.
[21] Seo PJ, Ryu J, Kang SK, Park CM*. (2011) Modulation of sugar metabolism by an INDETERMINATE DOMAIN transcription factor contributes to photoperiodic flowering in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 65: 418-429.
[20] Seo PJ, Park JM, Kang SK, Kim SG, Park CM*. (2011) An Arabidopsis senescence-associated protein SAG29 regulates cell viability under high salinity. Planta 233: 189-200.
[19] Seo PJ, Jung JH, Park CM*. (2011) Transcription factors: improving abiotic stress tolerance in plants. Wiley-Blackwell, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co., Germany. [Book Chapter]
[18] Seo PJ, Kim MJ, Song JS, Kim YS, Kim HJ, Park CM*. (2010) Proteolytic processing of a membrane-bound NAC transcription factor is triggered by cold-induced changes in membrane fluidity. Biochem. J. 427: 359-367.
[17] Seo PJ, Park CM*. (2010) MYB96-mediated abscisic acid signals induce pathogen resistance response by promoting salicylic acid biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. New Phytol. 186: 471-483.
[16] Seo PJ, Park CM*. (2010) A membrane-bound NAC transcription factor as an integrator of biotic and abiotic stress signals. Plant Signal. Behav. 5: 481-483.
[15] Seo PJ, Kim MJ, Park JY, Kim SY, Jeon J, Lee YH, Kim J, Park CM*. (2010) Cold activation of a plasma membrane-tethered NAC transcription factor induces pathogen resistance response in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 61: 661-671.
[14] Hong SY, Lee S, Seo PJ, Yang MS, Park CM*. (2010) Identification and molecular characterization of a Brachypodium distachyon GIGANTEA gene: functional conservation in monocot and dicot plants. Plant Mol. Biol. 72: 485-497.
[13] Jung JH#, Seo PJ#, Park CM*. (2009) MicroRNA biogenesis and function in higher plants. Plant Biotechnol. Rep. 3: 111-126.
[12] Seo PJ, Park CM*. (2009) Auxin homeostasis during lateral root development under drought condition. Plant Signal. Behav. 4: 1002-1004.
[11] Kim SG#, Lee S#, Seo PJ, Kim SK, Kim JK, Park CM*. (2009) Genome-scale screening and molecular characterization of membrane-bound transcription factors in Arabidopsis and rice. Genomics 95: 56-65.
[10] Seo PJ#, Xiang F#, Qiao M, Park JY, Lee YN, Kim SG, Lee YH, Park WJ, Park CM*. (2009) The MYB96 transcription factor mediates abscisic acid signaling during drought stress response in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 151: 275-289.
[9] Seo PJ, Kim SG, Park CM*. (2008) Membrane-bound transcription factors in plants. Trends Plant Sci. 13: 550-556.
[8] Hong SY#, Seo PJ#, Yang MS, Xiang F, Park CM*. (2008) Exploring valid reference genes for gene expression studies in Brachypodium distachyon by real-time PCR. BMC Plant Biol. 8: 112.
[7] Kim YS, Kim SG, Lee M, Lee I, Park HY, Seo PJ, Jung JH, Kwon EJ, Suh SW, Paek KH, Park CM*. (2008) HD-ZIP III activity is modulated by competitive inhibitors via a feedback loop in Arabidopsis shoot apical meristem development. Plant Cell 20: 920-933.
[6] Seo PJ, Lee AK, Xiang F, Park CM*. (2008) Molecular and functional profiling of Arabidopsis pathogenesis-related genes: insights into their roles in salt response of seed germination. Plant Cell Physiol. 49: 334-344.
[5] Jung JH, Kim SG, Seo PJ, Park CM*. (2008) Molecular mechanisms underlying vascular development. Advances in Botanical Research 48: 1-68. [Book Chapter]
[4] Jung JH, Seo YH, Seo PJ, Reyes JL, Yun J, Chua NH, Park CM*. (2007) The GIGANTEA-regulated microRNA172 mediates photoperiodic flowering independent of CONSTANS in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 19: 2736-2748.
[3] Park JE#, Seo PJ#, Lee AK#, Jung JH, Kim YS, Park CM*. (2007) An Arabidopsis GH3 gene, encoding an auxin-conjugating enzyme, mediates phytochrome B-regulated light signals in hypocotyl growth. Plant Cell Physiol. 48: 1236-1241.
[2] Kim SY#, Kim SG#, Kim YS#, Seo PJ, Bae M, Yoon HK, Park CM*. (2007) Exploring membrane-associated NAC transcription factors in Arabidopsis: implications for membrane biology in genome regulation. Nucleic Acids Res. 35: 203-213.
[1] Kim SK, Seo PJ, Chun CH*. (2005) Development of a transplant production module using artificial lighting for high quality vegetable transplant production. Kor. J. Hort. Sci. Technol. 23: 388-395.
[14] [한국] 식물체의 재분화 효율 조절에 관여하는 애기장대 유래 유전자 및 이의 용도. 특허출원 10-2022-0052994 (출원일자: 2022.04.28) 발명자: 서필준, 박옥선, 이훈영 (출원인: 서울대학교 산학협력단)
[13] [한국] 식물체의 재분화 효율을 조절하는 애기장대 유래 유전자 및 이의 용도. 특허출원 10-2022-0044061 (출원일자: 2022.04.08) 발명자: 서필준, 이훈영, 박옥선 (출원인: 서울대학교 산학협력단)
[12] [한국] 식물체의 재분화 효율을 증진시키는 대사산물 및 이의 용도. 특허출원 10-2023-0094418 (출원일자: 2023.07.20) 발명자: 서필준, 이홍길, 박옥선, 황금숙 (출원인: 서울대학교 산학협력단/한국기초과학지원연구원)
[11] [한국] 식물체의 재분화 효율을 증진시키는 대사산물 및 이의 용도. 특허출원 10-2021-0055572 (출원일자: 2021.04.29) 발명자: 서필준, 이홍길, 박옥선, 황금숙 (출원인: 서울대학교 산학협력단/한국기초과학지원연구원)
[10] [한국] 식물체의 재분화 효율을 조절하는 애기장대 유래 ARP6 유전자 및 이의 용도. 특허등록 10-2528935 (등록일자: 2023.04.28) 발명자: 서필준, 이경희, 박옥선 (출원인: 서울대학교 산학협력단)
[9] [한국] 식물체의 재분화 효율을 조절하는 애기장대 유래 ESR2 유전자 및 이의 용도. 특허출원 10-2020-0176139 (출원일자: 2020.12.16) 발명자: 서필준, 이경희, 박옥선 (출원인: 서울대학교 산학협력단)
[8] [한국] 식물체의 재분화 효율을 조절하는 애기장대 유래 HDA6 유전자 및 이의 용도. 특허등록 10-2598907 (등록일자: 2023.11.01) 발명자: 서필준, 이경희, 박옥선 (출원인: 서울대학교 산학협력단)
[7] [한국] 식물체의 재분화 효율을 조절하는 애기장대 유래 DEMETER 유전자 및 이의 용도. 특허등록 10-2125714 (등록일자: 2020.06.17) 발명자: 최연희, 박진섭, 서필준, 박옥선 (출원인: 서울대학교 산학협력단)
[6] [한국] 애기장대 유래 ATX4 유전자를 이용한 식물체의 재분화 효율 증가 방법 및 그에 따른 식물체. 특허등록 10-1898392 (등록일자: 2018.09.06) 발명자: 서필준, 이경희 (출원인: 성균관대학교 산학협력단)
[4] [한국] 애기장대 유래 MYB96 유전자를 이용한 트리아실글리세롤 생합성이 증가된 형질전환 식물체의 제조방법 및 그에 따른 식물체. 특허등록 10-1701129 (등록일자: 2017.01.24) 발명자: 서필준, 이홍길 (출원인: 전북대학교 산학협력단)
[3] [미국] USE OF MYB96 GENE FROM ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA TO INCREASE CUTICULAR WAX BIOSYNTHESIS. US Patent 8716556 (Date of Patent: 2014.05.06) Inventors: Chung-Mo Park. Pil Joon Seo
[2] [한국] 인공간섭 펩티드를 이용한 표적 전사인자 비활성화 방법 및 이의 용도 (Method for targeted inactivation of transcription factor using artificial small interfering peptide and uses thereof) 특허등록 10-1416071 (등록일자: 2014.07.01) 발명자: 박충모, 서필준 (출원인: 서울대학교 산학협력단)
[1] [한국] 애기장대 유래의 MYB96 유전자 및 이의 용도 (MYB96 gene from Arabidopsis thaliana and uses thereof). 특허등록 10-1300207 (등록일자: 2013.08.20) 발명자: 박충모, 서필준 (출원인: 서울대학교 산학협력단)